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What are the benefits of using short films in the language classroom?

Please watch the video about five advantages of using short films in the language classroom and five websites where you can find innovative short films. Now read a text about the advantages of using short films in language education. The advent of the digital revolution and the internet, and the increased ease of capturing, editing […]

The 5Ss and 5Cs Viewing Framework

Watch the video and then read the text. The 5Ss STORY A film always tells a story and it is important to analyse how the events in a narrative are linked together. Helping students to analyse a film narrative can help them to understand and analyse other types of narratives such as novels, plays and […]

What is viewing and why is it important?

Please watch the video. Please read this article about the fifth skill of viewing and watch the videos which demonstrate the viewing frameworks. What about the fifth skill of viewing? We are living in a visual world. The advent of the Internet and the digital revolution, the ubiquity of mobile devices which allow us to […]

Why should we use films and videos in language education?

Watch the video and then read the text. Why should we use films and videos in language education? Language teachers have been using films in their classes for decades, and there are a number of reasons why film is an excellent teaching and learning tool. Motivation ‘Motivation’ is one of the most important factors in […]

Final project

You can download the explanation of the Final Project and examples of Final projects by teachers on previous editions of the course by clicking on the icon below.  

Why use film and video in the language classroom?

The lesson is divided into three topics. Firstly, we will explore what the literature tells us about about the benefits of using film and video in language education. Secondly, we will explore what is the fifth skill of ‘viewing’ which has been added to the English language curriculum in a number of countries such as […]
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